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Vermillion Flycatcher

Image # 1D2_03414

Santa Cruz Island


Canon 100-400L/f4.5-5.6 IS at 400 mm

ISO 320, f/8, 1/2500 second

Manual Metering



This was taken during our last day shooting in the Galapagos. We were in the "highlands" of Santa Cruz, and the weather was completely overcast, with heavy mist and light rain for much of the day. Our guide indicated that there was a chance of spotting a Vermillion Flycatcher, but frankly I doubted this would happen. We were on the return loop of a wet, muddy hike (which held interest for those interested more in geology and flora, but little that caught my eye), when we suddenly came across this beautiful little bird, perching on a stand of vegetation, more or less out in the open. He stayed there for quite a while, sometimes flying away, but typically coming back to the same perch. His feathers are a bit wet, and if you look carefully in the background, you can see some rain/mist, but this photo opportunity saved the day for me!